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Technical Assistance Grants


This program offers a unique opportunity for business owners like you to receive specialized assistance at a fraction of the cost. Don't miss out on this chance to get the help you need right now.



Know your Need.

Identify a need you have for a specialized business service that will help you solve a problem and grow your business. Get a quote for services.


Apply for the Cost-Sharing Grant. 

This grant will pay half the cost up to $1250 for a qualified service or educational opportunity (more details below.) So if you have a need that's less than $2500, we still pay half.


Book it, and get it done in 90 days!

Once we accept your application for cost-sharing you have 90 days to complete the service or course. We pay on completion. (Details on program mechanics below.)

What qualifies for a cost-share grant?

Business Services

Sometimes you need an expert to move forward.
Using the cost-sharing program to connect you as a business owner with critical business services is exactly what this program is about.

You can apply for cost sharing service fees for:
  • E-commerce / Web Development
  • Accounting / Bookkeeping
  • Marketing / Advertising
  • Legal services for business
Cost share is available to entrepreneurs working with the GRO Navigator.

Entrepreneur Education

Sometimes the next best step for your business is to get some education to help uplevel your skills as a business owner. 
This program will assist with payments for you to attend trainings and workshops with organizations like the Columbia County SBDC, Destination Bootcamp, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, or other similar education and training programs or classes.
Class tuition and program costs are eligible for match funds and will be reimbursed to the entrepreneur after completion with proof of attendance.

Cost share is available to entrepreneurs working with the GRO Navigator.

Program Mechanics

How it works:

  • Entrepreneur (that's you!) identifies resource partner that is qualified and has capacity to provide service. GRO Greater St. Helens may provide list of potential resource partners.
  • Entrepreneurs will request a written quote for services from potential provider.
  • Simple application completed by entrepreneur (application assistance from Navigator available).
  • Applications are screened by GRO Navigator Council, and they recommend the cost share award on a rolling basis. Decisions are made within 2 weeks.
  • Entrepreneur is notified of award, schedules class or business service and reports back on type of assistance received within 90 days.
  • Col-Pac EDD will pay grant match portion directly to the service provider upon receipt of an invoice and completion of service.
  • Fund management and oversight: Col-Pac EDD holds funds, manages reporting, processes requests, and makes payment directly to TA provider.
  • GRO Navigator tracks referrals, follows up on benefit to entrepreneur and ecosystem, collects impact data and stories.