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GRO Greater St. Helens is in a startup phase! Our website is live, but still in development: check back often for updates as we add more information and resources.

Building a vibrant local economy by empowering entrepreneurs.

GRO Greater St. Helens is an initiative fostering a culture of support for entrepreneurs and innovation.


GRO is different.

Entrepreneur focused, Strategic, Proactive, Relationship-Driven, Additive, Non-Duplicative, Culture Changing.


Connecting Businesses to Resources.

There are many programs available to support entrepreneurs and small business owners, but they are not always utilized. The GRO Navigator connects entrepreneurs to resources when they need them. The right resources at the right time.


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Connecting Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses to the Right Resources, at the Right Time.

This is the work of GRO Greater St. Helens.

Business Startups.

Are you thinking about starting a business in Columbia County? Are you still in startup phase and feeling a little stuck?

Contact Us


Your business is established in Columbia County, but there's more you want to do, or challenges you would like to get ahead of...

Contact Us

Resource Partners.

We have partners, the ones with the answers and the programs to accelerate your business and help you solve your business challenges as they come along.
